10 comments on “04 The Emperor Amulet

  1. This is such a powerful amulet and I feel you have truly captured the essence of the Emperor with your symbolism. Excellent work!

      • It does indeed resonate with my Aries nature. You are very on target with your interpretations of the Tarot symbols, and I imagine that your creations and mastery of the subject will help many people harness the benefits of the major arcana. I look forward to more great blogs!

  2. Beneficial post and a superb read. You have brought up some valid points. Fantastic job, keep it up. I love coming back back to this site and digesting the excellent content you always have available.

    • I have been studding the Tarot since the early Seventies, this would include collecting Tarot decks and reading a great many books. Great resources would include authors Dion Fortune, Robert Wang and the Arcanum Solis. Qabalistic studies include the Tree of Life and the Merkabah. I have taught Tarot studies since the 1980s and I completed this “deck” in 1992. Since then I have developed reading techniques and taught classes about my three dimensional Tarot deck: the Tarot Casters:
      as well as the “Tarot Intensive”

      For a very good read on the Tarot I would recommend “The Qabalistic Tarot” by Robert Wang. Probably the most complete and comprehensive test on the subject I have yet come across.

  3. Pingback: Tarot Resonance ~ First Resonance | Amulets by Merlin's Blog

  4. Pingback: Tarot ~ Fourth Resonance | Amulets by Merlin's Blog

  5. Pingback: Tarot Resonance | Amulets by Merlin's Blog

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